Burn Boot Camp McMurray & FFTFJ (New Year's 2025 Cleanse)
Fresh From The Farm Juices is so excited to partner with Burn Boot Camp McMurray again. This time will be even more fun as we're partnering together for a juice cleanse.
There are many reasons to do a juice cleanse, beyond just the short (necessary) reprieve it gives your body. Your body is truly able to reset from all the toxins it is exposed to, both internal and external. Even the fittest, healthiest people benefit from doing a juice cleanse as each juice is filled with 3-4 pounds of fresh, organic vegetables and fruits (Green Delight has close to 5 pounds of produce in it). You get a high dose vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
This year's cleanse will feature our staple 6 cold-press, organic juices and 2 shots per day. All of our juices are made fresh daily at our McMurray location (just 5 minutes from Burn McMurray).
Please call us directly at 724-640-3396 or email us at freshfromthefarmjuices@gmail.com with any questions.
Specifically here's what each cleanser will get:
2-DAY ($102 for everything below)
- 6 juices per day (12 total for all 2 days)
- Morning shots (ginger and immunity)
- Afternoon shots (turmeric and wheatgrass)
- Breaking The Cleanse Juices (black & yellow, fortified orange)
3-DAY ($154 for everything below)
- 6 juices per day (18 total for all 3 days)
- Morning shots (ginger and immunity)
- Afternoon shots (turmeric and wheatgrass)
- Breaking The Cleanse Juices (black & yellow, fortified orange)
4-DAY ($202 for everything below)
- 6 juices per day (24 total for all 4 days)
- Morning shots (ginger and immunity)
- Afternoon shots (turmeric and wheatgrass)
- Breaking The Cleanse Juices (black & yellow, fortified orange)
5-DAY ($248 for everything below)
- 6 juices per day (30 total for all 5 days)
- Morning shots (ginger and immunity)
- Afternoon shots (turmeric and wheatgrass)
- Breaking The Cleanse Juices (black & yellow, fortified orange)
6-DAY ($248 for everything below)
- 6 juices per day (36 total for all 6 days)
- Morning shots (ginger and immunity)
- Afternoon shots (turmeric and wheatgrass)
- Breaking The Cleanse Juices (black & yellow, fortified orange)
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